Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Space 2007 Shaping Up Very Well

Space 2007 Shaping Up Very Well

Having been involved in the planning of many conferences, I have never seen one coming together as nicely as Space 2007. Since we embarked on this journey last July with the development of the call for papers, each step taken has achieved its purpose.

The collaboration between the executive co-chairs, Roger Krone, Lt. Gen. Mike Hamel and Dr. Charles Elachi in support of Space 2007 has provided a great nucleus of talent and resources to build this conference program. Add to the mix, The Aerospace Corporation and you can see why I am so excited about this event.

Our call for papers attracted an outstanding collection of technical papers/authors which our track chairs have organized into a comprehensive technical program. The program includes many “embedded” panels and “hybrid” sessions where paper presentations and panel discussions combine to provide the session attendees a truly unique experience.

Great lineup of luncheon speakers over the three days starting with the distinguished Dr. William Ballhaus, followed by the visionary Dr. Mike Griffin and closing with dynamic General Kevin Chilton. I challenge anybody to find an aerospace conference that offers a better lineup of luncheon speakers.

The Plenary Panels assembled take a back seat to no one. List is too long to run through, but Jason Andrews, Brewster Shaw, Ed Morris, John Douglass, Jeff Greason, Todd May, Andrea Seastrand, Gen. Tom Moorman, Lt. Gen. Gene Tattini, Debra Facktor Lepore, Lt. Gen. George Muellner, Pete Worden, Michael Gass, Dr. Scott Horowitz, Elon Musk and Burt Rutan are some of the folks who have committed to participate.

Our future in space is an important subject. With the AF 60th anniversary this year and the NASA 50th next year, it causes one to reflect on the past, but we must look to the future and I firmly believe we have assembled the right collection of individuals that can help provide focus and opportunity to resolve barriers to the future and enable space development to be the success the country needs in order to maintain our leadership position.

Steve Trejo
Program Chair
Space 2007

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